YAMUNA BODY ROLLING, or How you can create your own body sustainability
“Using the YBR balls, people can target superficial skin, fasciae, muscle fibers, tendons, ligaments, bones, internal organs, and the nervous system by themselves. This unique method has aspects of both exercise and treatment. Leading individual body parts to their accurate positions, YBR makes necessary space in the body, increases circulation, and improves range of motions.”
Extract from an article by Satoshi Suzuki, Senior YBR practitioner: “The Theory and Technique of Yamuna Body Rolling”
Would you like to be the best that you can be? You would love to gain core strength without the endless ab crunches? You want a body free of pain, muscles that work properly to support any sports activities you enjoy? Yamuna Body Rolling will help you come to the ‘original blueprint body’ you had as a young adult. Injuries create scar tissue and can easily become restraining around the injury site. YBR will work on bone and tissue to free you from the pain and restriction you experience. Pain is simply a sign that your body lacks space; space between bones (especially the rib cage) and space between muscle fibers (scar tissue).
The best part of this is that once I’ve shown you how to use the Yamuna balls, you can maintain your own body! You will spend less time and money on therapies that don’t empower you – you will be knowledgeable and will be able to take care of yourself!
Enjoy your day!